Poly Crystalline Solar Module

Poly Crystalline Solar Module

Poly Crystalline Solar Module

Polycrystalline solar panels are consist of several crystals of silicon in a single PV cell. Several pieces of silicon are melted together to make a polycrystalline solar panel. After that the vat of molten silicon is then allowed to cool on the panel itself.

Polycrystalline solar panels are of dark blue color square shape. Since there are many silicon crystals in each cell, which allow the movement of electrons. These solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.

PIPARASME Group's sole aim is to provide good quality Polycrystalline Solar Panels to its customers at affordable prices. And we are one of the best Polycrystalline Solar Panels manufacturer and supplier in India.

Product Details
Type of Solar Panel Poly Crystalline
Warranty 10 - 25 Years**
Operating Voltage 24 V
Certification MNRE
Max Power 100 to 365W